annonces mobile

jeudi 26 septembre 2019

Time and its 4 dimensions at least

Time is an abstract and spatial object with three dimensions since it is twisted and it dynamics linearly we count a fourth : the one where we exist and which seems to our scale of life and views continues.

An intuitive example: let's take a bolt with for no screw the curve of the time drill in the axis an off-center hole put the off-center bolt in its housing. number one or two, two is better piece of bolt screw pitch to give our holes or events a digital tag. let us place this rotating object in its dwelling, what do we observe from its events? :

I remember by periods, then I forget and remember again, as the bolt, time turns on itself in three continuous dimensions, while the fourth is discontinuous or rather, in the sense of preference, what we produce in the brain is discontinuous.

after intuition what is left of Albert Einstein's joke book that can be synthesized by
E = MC²
his son notes that "it is periodic", as our intuition of the events memories of earlier.
My conclusion is that it is periodic in our daily reality is continuous only at our scale. Why, it is likely in any case it is my explanation that the discontinuous dimension is a dimension of abstraction in the mathematical sense that we discuss in other articles concerning the laws of concatenation subtraction, and its corollary of second level of abstraction and complexity division, or even the square root. For the third level, symbolization and reduction of complexity.
remember also our nota bene: the subtraction has a property that gives a unique meaning: a half = 1/2 and 2/1 which equals two, and likewise 2-1 = 1, while 1-2 = minus one there has given direction and meaning to the mathematical direction in question. As with the time perceived and lived unfortunately. 

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