annonces mobile

lundi 29 juillet 2019

Della produzione di ossigeno dalla finanza

Per i nostri polmoni e treni di vita, dobbiamo passare all'idrogeno liquido, perché la sua combustione produce acqua, non carbonio, ma come farlo: sappiamo come produrre idrogeno. Il problema è come massaggiare, nonostante i costi di produzione. Quello che potremmo fare è prendere 26 dei più grandi inquinatori del pianeta, grandi navi che inquinano da soli, tanto quanto la flotta mondiale, e convincerli a passare rapidamente all'idrogeno. Il vincolo è che sono tassati in mare aperto. L'idea è di lasciare tutto a livello dell'accordo finanziario, sebbene sia il più arrotondato possibile, inclusa la tassazione dell'energia, persino dell'idrogeno. Dai nostri porti europei, tassare le merci che circolano fuori e all'interno dei confini sui veicoli con idrogeno, indipendentemente dai chilometri percorsi e proporzionalmente a questo. Il passaggio dall'olio all'idrogeno liquido avverrà da solo nel rapporto costo / prezzo delle merci. Perché una volta che hai la catena logistica dell'idrogeno, non paghi per l'ossigeno prodotto in modo massiccio della nostra auto con una piccola tassa? L'altra soluzione è quella di costringere la compagnia a pagare per il nuovo ossigene prodotto dalla fusione. Fai un'eccezione per i vivi!

Della produzione di ossigeno dalla finanza

Per i nostri polmoni e treni di vita, dobbiamo passare all'idrogeno liquido, perché la sua combustione produce acqua, non carbonio, ma come farlo: sappiamo come produrre idrogeno. Il problema è come massaggiare, nonostante i costi di produzione. Quello che potremmo fare è prendere 26 dei più grandi inquinatori del pianeta, grandi navi che inquinano da soli, tanto quanto la flotta mondiale, e convincerli a passare rapidamente all'idrogeno. Il vincolo è che sono tassati in mare aperto. L'idea è di lasciare tutto a livello dell'accordo finanziario, sebbene sia il più arrotondato possibile, inclusa la tassazione dell'energia, persino dell'idrogeno. Dai nostri porti europei, tassare le merci che circolano fuori e all'interno dei confini sui veicoli con idrogeno, indipendentemente dai chilometri percorsi e proporzionalmente a questo. Il passaggio dall'olio all'idrogeno liquido avverrà da solo nel rapporto costo / prezzo delle merci. Perché una volta che hai la catena logistica dell'idrogeno, non paghi per l'ossigeno prodotto in modo massiccio della nostra auto con una piccola tassa? L'altra soluzione è quella di costringere la compagnia a pagare per il nuovo ossigene prodotto dalla fusione. Fai un'eccezione per i vivi!

vendredi 26 juillet 2019

A l'age volage, l'argent volage puis l'age vaut l'age car le temps s'écoule reste la dépouille et les écrits

Mesures en abstraction ou finances : Tout est question d'organisations, entre entités ; structures et leurs agencements du temps qui s'écoule, statistiques des échanges, leurs valeurs puis ce que l'en émet ou pas entre entités vivantes. l'argent n'est pas important c'est le manque de relations qui va avec qui est pesant. L'homme est ainsi fait qu'il échange des objets qu'il soient symboliques ou réels: On peu compenser cette carence affective avec d'autres symboles au moins partiellement en écrivant nos sentiments en les étudiants et les décrivant en s'occupant d'eux Et l'argent n'est que statistique du temps passer a échanger: Valeurs et sentiments, lettres et leurs séquences émotionnelles.

A l'age volage, l'argent volage puis l'age vaut l'age car le temps s'écoule reste la dépouille et les écrits

Mesures en abstraction ou finances : Tout est question d'organisations, entre entités ; structures et leurs agencements du temps qui s'écoule, statistiques des échanges, leurs valeurs puis ce que l'en émet ou pas entre entités vivantes. l'argent n'est pas important c'est le manque de relations qui va avec qui est pesant. L'homme est ainsi fait qu'il échange des objets qu'il soient symboliques ou réels: On peu compenser cette carence affective avec d'autres symboles au moins partiellement en écrivant nos sentiments en les étudiants et les décrivant en s'occupant d'eux Et l'argent n'est que statistique du temps passer a échanger: Valeurs et sentiments, lettres et leurs séquences émotionnelles.

samedi 20 juillet 2019

quiet openvpn on debian

In a terminal or as a root in a terminal

apt install wget

sudo nano /etc/hosts.denyclean "#" All paranoïde

cd /home/vincent/Downloads/ && wget

sudo apt-get install /home/vincent/Downloads/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openvpn

we die in the repertoire

cd /etc/openvpn

sudo wget

sudo apt-get install ca-certificates

update certificates

installation of address servers

sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo unzip /etc/openvpn/ && ls && cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp

we automate:

sudo find . -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \;

cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_udp

sudo find . -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \;

we go down from a directory

cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp

password creation opnvpn

sudo nano auth.txt

insert login insert password

we automate the change every five minutes

crontab -e

insert into the crontab file

5 * * * * "My user" systemctl start openvpn update

cd /home/vincent

quiet openvpn on debian

In a terminal or as a root in a terminal

apt install wget

sudo nano /etc/hosts.deny clean "#" All paranoïde

sudo mkdir /home/vincent/Downloads/

cd /home/vincent/Downloads/ && sudo wget

sudo apt-get install /home/vincent/Downloads/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nordvpn && sudo sudo apt-get install openvpn

we die in the repertoire

cd /etc/openvpn

sudo wget

sudo apt-get install ca-certificates

update certificates

installation of address servers

cd /etc/nordvpn/ && sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo unzip /etc/openvpn/ && ls && cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp

we automate:

cd /etc/nordvpn/ovpn_tcp

sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo unzip /etc/openvpn/ && ls && cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp

sudo find . -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \;

we go down from a directory

cd /etc/nordvpn/ovpn_udp

sudo find . -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \;

password creation opnvpn

sudo nano auth.txt

insert login insert password

we automate the change every five minutes

crontab -e

insert into the crontab file

5 * * * * "My user" systemctl start openvpn update

cd /home/vincent

in a console

Please write these commands in order to clean the firewall and DNS rules:

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -F INPUT 

sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -F OUTPUT

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

jeudi 11 juillet 2019

openvpn tranquille sur debian

Dans un terminal ou en tant que root dans un terminal installation de sudo nano /etc/hosts.denycd /home/"user"/Télécharger/ && wget sudo apt-get install wgetcd /home/"user"/Téléchargements/ wget Ou Dans un navigateur wget cd /home/"user"sudo wget /home/vincent/Téléchargements/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.debsudo apt-get install /home/vincent/Téléchargements/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.debsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install openvpnon descends dans le répertoire cd /etc/openvpnsudo wget à jour des certificats sudo apt-get install ca-certificatesinstallation des serveurs d'adresse sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo unzip /etc/openvpn/ && ls && cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp nous automatisons: find sudo -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \; cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_udp find sudo -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \; on descend dans le répertoire cd/etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp création de mot de passe opnvpn sudo nano auth.txt insérer la connexion insérer le mot de passe nous automatisons le changement toutes les cinq minutes crontab -e insérer dans le fichier crontab 5 * * * * "Mon utilisateur" systemctl démarre la mise à jour openvpn cd / home / pi

openvpn tranquille sur debian

Dans un terminal ou en tant que root dans un terminal installation de sudo nano /etc/hosts.deny cd /home/"user"/Télécharger/ && wget sudo apt-get install wget cd /home/"user"/Téléchargements/ wget Ou Dans un navigateur wget cd /home/"user" sudo wget /home/vincent/Téléchargements/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb sudo apt-get install /home/vincent/Téléchargements/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openvpn on descends dans le répertoire cd /etc/openvpn sudo wget mise à jour des certificats sudo apt-get install ca-certificates installation des serveurs d'adresse sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo unzip /etc/openvpn/ && ls && cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp nous automatisons: find sudo -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \; cd /etc/openvpn/ovpn_udp find sudo -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/g' {} \; on descend dans le répertoire cd/etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp création de mot de passe opnvpn sudo nano auth.txt insérer la connexion insérer le mot de passe nous automatisons le changement toutes les cinq minutes crontab -e insérer dans le fichier crontab 5 * * * * "Mon utilisateur" systemctl démarre la mise à jour openvpn cd / home / pi

how to pass from the oral thought to the writing:

The birth of a new medium on the microwave or how to pass from the oral thought to the writing: how the microwaves use the infrastructure ? the ions go from the brain A, by an ionic flow up to a post and then goes to a network card and from the network card to the post to go to another brains B. And vice versa. My proposition dyes in the following chain driven thanks to vocal synthesis or rather in this case the ionic synthesis, particularly the directory: brain A. Post. Network card. Digitization. Blockchain software containing the place of brains the date, an owner. Speech Recognition. The encryption of the envelope or, envelope and content, with these data. Switch to the directory that drives the streams: example to a remote hard disk and a set of people. Post. Brain A and B and local hard drive. It is the whole which is certified (blockchainé) and which allows to open to the market. 98 percent of the time the stream is just put on record because we speak to ourselves. The rest of the time, it is the laws applicable to the media that are at work. This medium of our brains will be one of the most important in the future: For a memorial society.

how to pass from the oral thought to the writing:

The birth of a new medium on the microwave or how to pass from the oral thought to the writing: how the microwaves use the infrastructure ? the ions go from the brain A, by an ionic flow up to a post and then goes to a network card and from the network card to the post to go to another brains B. And vice versa. My proposition dyes in the following chain driven thanks to vocal synthesis or rather in this case the ionic synthesis, particularly the directory: brain A. Post. Network card. Digitization. Blockchain software containing the place of brains the date, an owner. Speech Recognition. The encryption of the envelope or, envelope and content, with these data. Switch to the directory that drives the streams: example to a remote hard disk and a set of people. Post. Brain A and B and local hard drive. It is the whole which is certified (blockchainé) and which allows to open to the market. 98 percent of the time the stream is just put on record because we speak to ourselves. The rest of the time, it is the laws applicable to the media that are at work. This medium of our brains will be one of the most important in the future: For a memorial society.

How to develop a new market both social and trade ?

Why not develop a social networking software, with which to exchange bitcoints or other virtual currencies. Either an interface for postcards, a portemonnaies and a server side it PostgreSQL database. All with a system of nano-taxation: as long as I trade on the system I do not pay any tax. When I change I am nano-taxed one for a billion for example. Advantage of the system the market is developing easily. Advantage for the state it can control and regulate or not the new market, probably world-wide ... Several exchange zones are possible: Zone dollars, eurozone, zones yuan, zone rubles etc. according to the price of the currency and the central bank's policy of the area. The advantage for the state: the tax and the information. The benefit for investors marketing. The advantage for the customer is the certification of the data at the same time as the means of payment. And a social network that allows you to have no bitcoints posing problems.

How to develop a new market both social and trade ?

Why not develop a social networking software, with which to exchange bitcoints or other virtual currencies. Either an interface for postcards, a portemonnaies and a server side it PostgreSQL database. All with a system of nano-taxation: as long as I trade on the system I do not pay any tax. When I change I am nano-taxed one for a billion for example. Advantage of the system the market is developing easily. Advantage for the state it can control and regulate or not the new market, probably world-wide ... Several exchange zones are possible: Zone dollars, eurozone, zones yuan, zone rubles etc. according to the price of the currency and the central bank's policy of the area. The advantage for the state: the tax and the information. The benefit for investors marketing. The advantage for the customer is the certification of the data at the same time as the means of payment. And a social network that allows you to have no bitcoints posing problems.

For a European and memorial society: or how to legislate on the new microwave media.

What is it like waves? These are microwaves like wifi except that these radio waves, are also Magniéto-Ionic. that is to say both as our magnetic and ionic brain. Be excellent qualities to know our thoughts. Which society are we going to? We are moving towards an increasingly memorial society since writing. Then radio and television these collective media one towards N listeners allows the diffusion of the culture. An acceleration took place in the nineteen eighties with the arrival of the internet in Europe. This acceleration is doubled by an individualization of culture. What we propose is to individualize the radio thus to release it. On the other hand and in keeping individual property collectively. To divide and perpetuate per individual: since issuers are free to incorporate or not. But until death are the individual producers who can not give up everything from their literary production: we would have to guarantee this collective characteristic by law. The novelty in a word is that the produced capital is guaranteed by individual, it is not transferable apart through the rules and keeps crazy of the individual freedom and the right of the trade. So subject to legislation. It is guarantee that also allows the democracy of the system. These are the sovereign laws of fairness and freedom in this economy that are expected by citizens. Demographic change generating health needs. This system is a good crutch against Alzheimer's disease and against revisionism. From the head to the transmitting pole and the post to the network card, nothing changes with the current system. The change is made between the network cards: we will interpose here the software and their services. What is the content certification chain. In short, it's about encrypting content. Then to make sure of the follow-up of the contents and its privatization all along the process of the correspondence. What do we put as permanent data to ensure the services of this private or public correspondence: the location of the issuer of this correspondence, these GPS coordinates, the time with the exact date, the name of the entity that owns the feed, often a legally constituted person or legal entity, the name of the audience group: individual, company or group of individuals or legal person (s). Choice of the mode of exchange: donations, remuneration. An opportunity for change more literate and turned to intellectual property. Everything revolves around the question of the time during which it takes place or not, three movements. First movement the time of intellectual property has debated in Europe and elsewhere. What are the bilateral or global agreements? Second movement: the time of the exchange. The economy is two facts, they are inexhaustible and fast. Third movement the validity time of the encryption. Indeed, the keys are more or less quickly decrypted according to several criteria which are the will of the contractors, the advertising, the technical capacities. Indeed, we can create an encrypted envelope validating string and property while the message appears in clear. We can also encrypt more or less strongly all or part of the message to show and sell. Or for private reasons to encrypt, all for the purposes of individual liberties. Which society are we going to when we do not agree? The legal treatment is then carried out with ante contract, the contract, the post contract decrypted. We are talking about demining. Where are the dangers of such a system? All this can be ultra liberal with all the limits of this utopia. However, the current legislative framework allows to frame the media and its practices. It is necessary to guarantee by bilateral agreements between states the non-transferability of the tool of production: ourselves, of the simple limited partnership ourselves. Personally, I am an editor and for a permit to wave on the microwave delivered to all then as and as the conflicts are noted for an individual to withdraw points until the disappearance of this right for a duration a determined.

For a European and memorial society: or how to legislate on the new microwave media.

What is it like waves? These are microwaves like wifi except that these radio waves, are also Magniéto-Ionic. that is to say both as our magnetic and ionic brain. Be excellent qualities to know our thoughts. Which society are we going to? We are moving towards an increasingly memorial society since writing. Then radio and television these collective media one towards N listeners allows the diffusion of the culture. An acceleration took place in the nineteen eighties with the arrival of the internet in Europe. This acceleration is doubled by an individualization of culture. What we propose is to individualize the radio thus to release it. On the other hand and in keeping individual property collectively. To divide and perpetuate per individual: since issuers are free to incorporate or not. But until death are the individual producers who can not give up everything from their literary production: we would have to guarantee this collective characteristic by law. The novelty in a word is that the produced capital is guaranteed by individual, it is not transferable apart through the rules and keeps crazy of the individual freedom and the right of the trade. So subject to legislation. It is guarantee that also allows the democracy of the system. These are the sovereign laws of fairness and freedom in this economy that are expected by citizens. Demographic change generating health needs. This system is a good crutch against Alzheimer's disease and against revisionism. From the head to the transmitting pole and the post to the network card, nothing changes with the current system. The change is made between the network cards: we will interpose here the software and their services. What is the content certification chain. In short, it's about encrypting content. Then to make sure of the follow-up of the contents and its privatization all along the process of the correspondence. What do we put as permanent data to ensure the services of this private or public correspondence: the location of the issuer of this correspondence, these GPS coordinates, the time with the exact date, the name of the entity that owns the feed, often a legally constituted person or legal entity, the name of the audience group: individual, company or group of individuals or legal person (s). Choice of the mode of exchange: donations, remuneration. An opportunity for change more literate and turned to intellectual property. Everything revolves around the question of the time during which it takes place or not, three movements. First movement the time of intellectual property has debated in Europe and elsewhere. What are the bilateral or global agreements? Second movement: the time of the exchange. The economy is two facts, they are inexhaustible and fast. Third movement the validity time of the encryption. Indeed, the keys are more or less quickly decrypted according to several criteria which are the will of the contractors, the advertising, the technical capacities. Indeed, we can create an encrypted envelope validating string and property while the message appears in clear. We can also encrypt more or less strongly all or part of the message to show and sell. Or for private reasons to encrypt, all for the purposes of individual liberties. Which society are we going to when we do not agree? The legal treatment is then carried out with ante contract, the contract, the post contract decrypted. We are talking about demining. Where are the dangers of such a system? All this can be ultra liberal with all the limits of this utopia. However, the current legislative framework allows to frame the media and its practices. It is necessary to guarantee by bilateral agreements between states the non-transferability of the tool of production: ourselves, of the simple limited partnership ourselves. Personally, I am an editor and for a permit to wave on the microwave delivered to all then as and as the conflicts are noted for an individual to withdraw points until the disappearance of this right for a duration a determined.

mardi 2 juillet 2019

How to prepare for the future ?

With Jaures, we thought about the future of the industrialization of the primary sector by taking it out of the Middle Ages. These were the beginnings of the industrial area and the train, in short industrialization. Now, we need to think about the industrialization of services, it is partially done or rather underway with supermarkets in the 1970s and now final with blockchain in virtual shops as well as along their supply chains. Tomorrow, we will also think of feedback from this industry: the blokchain banks, blockchain microwaves to sell the product of our brains in real time and exchange our properties. In this new context, we need to identify the issues, at least one philosophy and the policies that apply it. In the next microwave context we will all be bots, since these waves will go from the brains to the machines, from the machine to the blockchain services: voice recognition to direct the flow in the machine, speech recognition, text and encryption to have the freedom to distribute or not the content of his thought with an owner, referencing the INPI for example, ranking in the memory and search for texts or distributions against currencies or donations. In this interconnected bot world, what are the social rights? Artificial intelligences, will they have social rights itself? Will they be the same as human rights? Why should an AI have less rights? For reasons of calendar concomitance in fifteen years, it is also the fusion, therefore, the abundance of materials. Which raises other related and adjacent questions: must an industrialist buy men and computers, or do we need robots equipped with artificial intelligences and in which branch and sectors? What fees and taxes for each other and in what proportions, policies, purpose? Because they are not the same industrial and foreign funds for AI industry or pensions or pension funds for human beings. On the other hand, the industrial and primary sectors are also provided with specialized car services. For agriculture, there are four human services on small plots, aerospace for weather agronomic issues, etc. And the mechanization of production and financial automation.
What is the third sector in this flea market? Which object represents the second sector? in what states are they

How to prepare for the future ?

With Jaures, we thought about the future of the industrialization of the primary sector by taking it out of the Middle Ages. These were the beginnings of the industrial area and the train, in short industrialization. Now, we need to think about the industrialization of services, it is partially done or rather underway with supermarkets in the 1970s and now final with blockchain in virtual shops as well as along their supply chains. Tomorrow, we will also think of feedback from this industry: the blokchain banks, blockchain microwaves to sell the product of our brains in real time and exchange our properties. In this new context, we need to identify the issues, at least one philosophy and the policies that apply it. In the next microwave context we will all be bots, since these waves will go from the brains to the machines, from the machine to the blockchain services: voice recognition to direct the flow in the machine, speech recognition, text and encryption to have the freedom to distribute or not the content of his thought with an owner, referencing the INPI for example, ranking in the memory and search for texts or distributions against currencies or donations. In this interconnected bot world, what are the social rights? Artificial intelligences, will they have social rights itself? Will they be the same as human rights? Why should an AI have less rights? For reasons of calendar concomitance in fifteen years, it is also the fusion, therefore, the abundance of materials. Which raises other related and adjacent questions: must an industrialist buy men and computers, or do we need robots equipped with artificial intelligences and in which branch and sectors? What fees and taxes for each other and in what proportions, policies, purpose? Because they are not the same industrial and foreign funds for AI industry or pensions or pension funds for human beings. On the other hand, the industrial and primary sectors are also provided with specialized car services. For agriculture, there are four human services on small plots, aerospace for weather agronomic issues, etc. And the mechanization of production and financial automation.
What is the third sector in this flea market? Which object represents the second sector? in what states are they

Comment préparer l'avenir ?

Nous avons pensé avec Jaures l'avenir de l'industrialisation du secteur primaire en le sortant du moyen age. C'étaient les débuts de l'aire industrielle et du train, bref de l'industrialisation. Maintenant, il nous faut penser l'industrialisation des services, c'est partiellement faits ou plutôt en cours avec les grandes surfaces dans les années 1970 et finale maintenant avec les blockchain dans les boutiques virtuelles ainsi que le long de leurs chaînes logistiques. Demain, il faudra aussi penser au feed-back de cette industrie : les blokchain des banques, les blockchain des hyperfréquences pour pouvoir vendre le produit de nos cerveaux en temps réels et échanger nos propriétés. Dans ce contexte nouveau, il nous faudrait dégager les questions, une philosophie au moins et des politiques qui l'applique. Dans le contexte prochain des hyperfréquences nous serons tous des bots, puisque ces ondes iront du cerveaux aux machines, des machine jusqu'à la blockchain des services : reconnaissance vocale afin de diriger le flux dans la machine, reconnaissance du discours, mise en texte et cryptage pour avoir la liberté de distribuer ou non le contenu de sa pensée avec un propriétaire, référencement a l'INPI par exemple, classement dans la mémoire et recherche de textes ou distributions contre les monnaies ou dons. Dans ce monde de bot tout interconnecté, quels seront les droits sociaux ? Les intelligences artificielles, auront-elles des droits sociaux elle-même ? Seront-ils les mêmes que les droits les humains ? Pour quelle raison une IA aurait-elle moins de droit ? Pour des raisons de concomitance calendaire dans quinze ans, c'est aussi la fusion, donc, l'abondance de matières. Ce qui pose d'autres questions liées et adjacentes : faut acheter pour un industriel des hommes et des ordinateur ou faut-il des robots doués d'intelligences artificielles et dans quelle branche et quels secteurs ? Quels droits et taxes pour les uns et les autres et dans quelles proportions, politiques, but ? Car ce ne sont pas les même caisses industrielles et étrangères pour les IA ou de retraites ou fonds de pension pour les êtres humains. D'autre part, les secteurs industriels et primaires sont aussi pourvus en services car spécialisés. Pour l'agriculture, il s'agit de quatre services humains sur les petites parcelles, aérospatiales pour les questions agronomiques météos, etc. Et la mécanisation de la production puis l'automatisation financière.
Quels est le troisiéme secteur dans cette brocante ? Quel objet représente le second secteur ? dans quels états sont-ils

Comment préparer l'avenir ?

Nous avons pensé avec Jaures l'avenir de l'industrialisation du secteur primaire en le sortant du moyen age. C'étaient les débuts de l'aire industrielle et du train, bref de l'industrialisation. Maintenant, il nous faut penser l'industrialisation des services, c'est partiellement faits ou plutôt en cours avec les grandes surfaces dans les années 1970 et finale maintenant avec les blockchain dans les boutiques virtuelles ainsi que le long de leurs chaînes logistiques. Demain, il faudra aussi penser au feed-back de cette industrie : les blokchain des banques, les blockchain des hyperfréquences pour pouvoir vendre le produit de nos cerveaux en temps réels et échanger nos propriétés. Dans ce contexte nouveau, il nous faudrait dégager les questions, une philosophie au moins et des politiques qui l'applique. Dans le contexte prochain des hyperfréquences nous serons tous des bots, puisque ces ondes iront du cerveaux aux machines, des machine jusqu'à la blockchain des services : reconnaissance vocale afin de diriger le flux dans la machine, reconnaissance du discours, mise en texte et cryptage pour avoir la liberté de distribuer ou non le contenu de sa pensée avec un propriétaire, référencement a l'INPI par exemple, classement dans la mémoire et recherche de textes ou distributions contre les monnaies ou dons. Dans ce monde de bot tout interconnecté, quels seront les droits sociaux ? Les intelligences artificielles, auront-elles des droits sociaux elle-même ? Seront-ils les mêmes que les droits les humains ? Pour quelle raison une IA aurait-elle moins de droit ? Pour des raisons de concomitance calendaire dans quinze ans, c'est aussi la fusion, donc, l'abondance de matières. Ce qui pose d'autres questions liées et adjacentes : faut acheter pour un industriel des hommes et des ordinateur ou faut-il des robots doués d'intelligences artificielles et dans quelle branche et quels secteurs ? Quels droits et taxes pour les uns et les autres et dans quelles proportions, politiques, but ? Car ce ne sont pas les même caisses industrielles et étrangères pour les IA ou de retraites ou fonds de pension pour les êtres humains. D'autre part, les secteurs industriels et primaires sont aussi pourvus en services car spécialisés. Pour l'agriculture, il s'agit de quatre services humains sur les petites parcelles, aérospatiales pour les questions agronomiques météos, etc. Et la mécanisation de la production puis l'automatisation financière.
Quels est le troisiéme secteur dans cette brocante ? Quel objet représente le second secteur ? dans quels états sont-ils