annonces mobile

mardi 16 octobre 2018

How would a typewriter work thoughts my mid ? Technologies : All the necessary technologies exist separately from each other: The control of ionic waves allows us to hear thoughts from brain to brain. Speech recognition technology allows a computer to be remotely controlled by voice. This is the case for the blind. The synthesizer technology of the voice makes it possible to pass from the voice to the writing of characters. more commonly called speech synthesis among anglophones. The technology of a dynamic directory of services exists for years the Internet works with. Her name is D.N.S. for dynamic names services. The localization technology of an individual exists with the GPS. The proprietary technology of a single individual or single entity on the internet is made reliable thanks to the entire technology called IPV6. the microwave cards exist at several suppliers and allow to operate a system that I am going to write. The system : The communication takes place between entities or individuals who write their thoughts through dialogue. From a brain to a terrestrial relay, from a terrestrial relay to the microwave network card. The interposed sound of services: directories, search engine, etc. The suite flows from source and has the microwave network card to relay and relay to the other entity. the system is, of course, more or less encrypted according to the economy, that is, the value of the numerical exchanges, through a literary society. This, in order to protect the individual: that he remains master along his life of his literary is necessary to guarantee by bilateral agreements between states the non-transferability of the tools of production: ourselves, of society in simple comendite ourselves.

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