annonces mobile

jeudi 13 juin 2019

Of oxygen production by finance

For our lungs and trains of life, we must switch to liquid hydrogen, because its combustion produces water, not carbon, but how to do it: we know how to produce hydrogen. The problem is how to massify, despite the cost of production. What we could do is take 26 of the biggest polluters on the planet, big ships that pollute alone, as much as the world fleet, and convince them to switch to hydrogen quickly. The constraint is that they are taxed offshore. The idea is to leave everything at the level of the financial arrangement in place, although it is as rounded as possible, including the taxation of energy, even hydrogen. From our European ports, to tax the goods that they circulate outside and inside the borders on vehicles with hydrogen, regardless of the kilometers traveled and proportionally to this one. The changeover from oil to liquid hydrogen will take place by itself in the cost / price ratio of the goods. Why once you have the hydrogen logistics chain, you do not pay for massively produced oxygen of our car with a small tax? The other solution,, is to force the compagny to pay for the new oxigen produced by the fusion. Make an exception for the living !

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